


作为韦斯特蒙特的首席学术官, 我很荣幸能与韦斯特蒙特优秀的教师一起工作, staff, 和学生.

全国最重要的基督教学院之一, Westmont has long been grounded in the evangelical tradition and is strongly committed to the liberal arts. 教师重视学术严谨和充满活力的学术, 他们喜欢在许多研究领域广泛探索思想. They are also eager to help build connections between a life of faith and spiritual devotion and a life of inquiry and analysis. 在课堂内外, 学生将有机会共同学习和成长, 不仅在蒙特西托校区,而且在世界各地. 小班授课, 学生有很多机会去了解他们的教授作为老师, 导师和学者. 我们的愿望是帮助学生准备用ag娱乐官网,同情,想象力和智慧侍奉上帝.




虽然是韦斯特蒙特家族的新人, 我惊叹上帝对学校的信实, 让它在许多危险中生存并茁壮成长, 劳碌和陷阱...”

内森·赫夫(艺术) 在圣巴巴拉的沙利文戈斯画廊举办了他的第三次个展. “Forest for the Trees” explored the beauty and wonder of the natural world through 15 surrealistic paintings, 几件雕塑作品, and a floor to ceiling hanging installation featuring painted slivers of native trees and handmade ladders created from tree trunks.

斯科特·安德森(艺术) illustrated the cover for the December 2023 issue of MAD Magazine; his second cover for the publication.  另外, 他为星巴克前首席执行官霍华德·舒尔茨画的肖像, 最初是为《ag娱乐官网》杂志画的, 被选为第66届纽约插画家协会的年度展览, 并将于今年春天晚些时候在纽约的美国插画协会博物馆展出. It was also selected for the 62nd annual juried exhibition of the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles.

劳拉·德雷克·舒尔泰斯(生物学), Westmont花园经理兼可持续发展协调员Janell Balmaceda, secured funding from the Regional Wildfire Mitigation Program to begin an oak restoration project in collaboration with the Spatial Informatics Group–Natural Assets Laboratory and the Montecito Fire Department. The funding supported the planting of approximately 40 native coast live oaks between the west side of campus and the Las Barrancas housing community, 共同的目标是降低火灾风险, 增加本地植物覆盖, 改善生态系统的健康和恢复能力. 许多机构和威斯蒙特大学的学生志愿者都参与了植树活动, and the project lays groundwork for future student volunteer and research opportunities for years to come.

史蒂夫·胡里奥(生物学) and two collaborators at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were awarded a two-year NIH grant for $240,研究博德特拉菌的致病机制, 引起百日咳的细菌, 持续存在于呼吸道以引起疾病.

克里斯蒂·拉扎尔·坎特雷尔(化学) and her collaborators have published an article “Computationally Designed Molecules Modulate ALS-Related Amyloidogenic TDP-43(307–319) Aggregation” in ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 与UCSB的一个研究小组合作撰写, 这篇文章包括了威斯蒙特学生Ethan Walker和Joshua Jang的作品.

宋光(计算机科学) 一位合著者在 化学理论与计算杂志 titled “Coarse-Graining Waters: Unveiling The Effective Hydrophilicity/Hydrophobicity of Individual Protein Atoms and The Roles of Waters’ Hydrogens”.

卡罗琳·米滕(教育) spoke at the 2023 Meredith Fellows Implementation Conference on “Supporting Teacher Candidates Knowledge and Implementation of Rubrics.”  She was also invited to deliver a professional development session at Coastline Christian Academy in August on implementing number talks in K–12 classrooms. Finally, her research article “Comparing PSTs' Perceptions of Math and Literacy Methods” was featured in the newsletter of the California Council on Teacher 教育's Winter 2023 issue.

Dan Jensen(工程) 和他的学生以利亚·西西利奥, 乔纳斯万森, Josh Wozniak and Tasha Loh presented their research to scientists and engineers at the Air Force Research Lab, 赖特帕特森空军基地, Dayton, 2023年9月. 研究报告的标题是“为数字vs .提供信息的加权设计矩阵方法”. 物理原型选项.“

Doug Fontes(工程) presented a conference paper entitled “Sustainable Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting for Electronic Worn at the Knee” at the 2023 International Mechanical 工程 Congress & 博览会在新奥尔良,洛杉矶.


史蒂夫·波特(马丁研究所) 提出了“当上帝不医治:通过身体的痛苦接受上帝形成的恩典”,” Holy Spirit Symposium (Biola University); “Knowing Christ Today: The Shape of Christian Spiritual Formation,福音神学协会; and “Internalizing the Love of God: A Theological Psychology of Receiving and Resisting Love,福音神学协会.

Maryke van der Walt(数学) presented her research on blood glucose prediction at the Southern California-Nevada section meeting of the Mathematical Association of America in October 2023, 以及2024年1月的联合数学会议.

大卫·埃特贝克(音乐) 最近的演出亮点包括5月在好莱坞露天剧场与安德烈·波切利的音乐会, 并于11月在新西部交响乐团担任首席小号. 他最近完成了欧康作曲家约翰·比格斯的独奏小号新四乐章作品的录制. 埃特贝克给出了新的工作, 四张小号的迷你图去年秋天,它在韦斯特蒙特学院的教师独奏会上首次亮相.

通过与音乐系同事的合作, 露丝·林(音乐) 带领韦斯特蒙特管弦乐队和合唱团参加了韦斯特蒙特圣诞庆典. 在历史悠久的格拉纳达剧院有两场演出, 圣巴巴拉的首演场地, the performance of music and readings embodying the theme of “Fullness of joy” was presented to over 2200 in attendance.

Zig Reichwald(音乐) 出版了一本新书, 门德尔松与新教无伴奏合唱运动的起源,剑桥大学出版社出版.

宋德华(哲学) 展示了他的论文, “有独立的公平原则吗?,在哲学学院, 政治, 和经济年度会议在新奥尔良举行, 2023年11月的路易斯安那.

Bob Haring-Kaye(物理学) 还有他研究小组的两个学生, Natalie Fogg, 24岁,Reese Toepfer, 26岁, presented their research at the Joint Meeting of the American and Japanese Nuclear Physics Societies in Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, 2023年11月. Both students received funding from the highly-competitive Conference Experience for Undergraduates program of the National Science Foundation in support of their participation.

Caryn Reeder(宗教研究) 出版了《女人的情感、社会和政治:解读路加福音23章的眼泪?.27-31页 新约研究 (2023年11月).  她还发表了一篇论文, “Slavery, Gender, 和路加福音中的膳食,在2023年11月的圣经文学协会年会上.

Helen Rhee(宗教研究) 出版了两本书:《古代医学和文学中的疼痛》, 《ag娱乐官网》,” in 残疾, 医学, 早期基督教的治疗话语:健康人文学科的新对话 (eds. S. R. 霍尔曼,C. L. de Wet和J. L. Zechaer; London & 纽约:劳特利奇出版社,2023年),第47-64页,《ag娱乐官网》,载于 剑桥早期基督教史 (剑桥大学出版社,2023),613-32.  She also served as a panelist for two panels at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in San Antonio, TX:教父研究, 教父的智慧:挑战与可能性,为北非基督教语境化(项目单元)和书评会议, 为每日的面包乞讨:马太福音第6章以乞丐为中心的解读, 作者:Zhenya Gurina-Rodriguez, 耶稣的传统, Gospels, 和谈判罗马帝国世界(程序单元).

霍莉·比尔斯(宗教研究) was invited to be a consulting reviewer for the revision of the New Living Translation (NLT) of the Bible in the area of Synoptic Gospels and Acts.  她还在2023年11月的圣经文学协会年会上发表了两篇论文. As an invited panelist in the “Christian Theology and the Bible” program unit she offered “A Biblical Studies Scholar Listens and Responds to a Systematic Theologian: A Review of ‘Hearing and Doing: The Speeches in Acts and the Essence of Christianity.’” In the “Homiletics and Biblical Studies” program unit she gave a paper entitled “Filling up the Sufferings of Christ: Preaching Colossians 1:24 With and Among Diverse Voices.”

Sameer Yadav(宗教研究) spoke on a panel on “Non-Contrastive Transcendence and the Creative Agency of God” at the 2023 annual American Academy of Religion meeting, 哪些将在即将出版的 现代神学. He also offered a plenary lecture (“The Liberative Norm in Christian Theological Knowledge-Seeking”) for the Religious Epistemology and Psychology Workshop at Seattle Pacific University. He gave invited lectures at Union Theological Seminary (“Joban Theology and Christian Pessimism”) and Loyola University Maryland (“Pessimism and the Problem of Evil”).

Sandra Richter(宗教研究) 出版了一本书的章节,在 旧约研究的现状 《ag娱乐官网》发表在 《ag娱乐官网》, 《ag娱乐官网》, 戴安娜埃德尔曼, 菲利普·纪尧姆, 还有贝内黛塔·罗西,和一篇书评 天主教圣经季刊 菲利普·纪尧姆的作品 申命记的核心经济. 她曾担任阿斯伯里神学院“宣讲学者”年度活动的客座讲师, 在《ag娱乐官网》中拍摄了她的最新课程 & 哈珀·柯林斯的《士师记, and served as the plenary speaker for The Mission Society's presidential retreat at the Billy Graham retreat center in North Carolina.

Felicia Song(社会学) 在《圣邮报》的青少年与数字科技系列节目中接受采访.

乔纳森·希克斯(戏剧艺术) 是圣巴巴拉芭蕾舞节第48次演出的副灯光设计师 《ag娱乐官网》 在阿灵顿剧院.




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